Thursday, May 19, 2011

Feature selection methods not so useful for graphical model structure learning

As discussed in one of my previous posts (here), feature selection and graphical model structure learning are highly related. On one hand, variables in the Markov blanket of a target variable can be used as a compact and effective feature set for predicting the value of the target variable; on the other hand, traditional feature selection methods can used to shed light on the local structures around a target variable (see another post of mine). However, the paper "Local Causal and Markov Blanket Induction for Causal Discovery and Feature Selection for Classification" (Part I, Part II) provides extensive experimental results that support the first practice but question the second practice. The authors found that traditional feature selection methods tend to return variables that are highly predictive but are often not in the Markov blanket of the target variable and therefore not useful in structure learning.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

An ET point of view of neuroscience

How would an extraterrestrial view the state of the art of our neuroscience research? The paper "Neuroscience and the correct level of explanation for understanding mind: An extraterrestrial roams through some neuroscience laboratories and concludes earthlings are not grasping how best to understand the mind–brain interface" (a really long title...) in Trends in Cognitive Sciences (2010 Jul; 14(7)) describes a possible point of view from ET (or more realistically, from a high-level point of view of the big picture). Specifically, the author argues that studying the low-level neural mechanisms, like the behavior of individual neurons, may not be the right way to understand mind, just like we do not need to understand quantum mechanics before understanding the Newtonian mechanics. This reminds me of the long-standing symbolism vs. connectionism debate in AI research. What is the right level of research towards an artificial general intelligence? Symbols? neurons? Or somewhere in-between?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Three types of information for learning structured predictor

Structured prediction tries to predict the hidden structure of the input. In other words, it's a prediction problem with multiple outputs that are mutually dependent. An example is sentence parsing, where given an input sentence we want to predict the syntactic parse tree of the sentence. In the classic setting (i.e., supervised structured prediction), the training data is:

1. input data with their hidden structures labeled, e.g., sentences with their syntactic parsing

And of course, we can also have:

2. input data without structure labeling, e.g., just sentences

When both type-1 and type-2 info is available, it's called semi-supervised structured prediction. When only type-2 info is available, it's an unsupervised structured prediction problem, which is usually very hard.

For many structured prediction problems, there is a related binary classification problem, which distinguishes valid inputs from invalid ones. One can view a valid input as the input having at least one valid structure, and an invalid input as the input having no valid structure. In the field of formal grammar, the binary classification problem is associated with the weak generative capacity of a grammar, and the structured prediction problem is associated with the strong generative capacity of a grammar. So we can have a third type of information:

3. invalid inputs, e.g., ungrammatical sentences

The question is, whether this type-3 info can help structured prediction. This is studied in "Structured Output Learning with Indirect Supervision" from ICML 2010. They found that it does help, because invalid inputs further restrict the space of correct structures, as illustrated in their Figure.1.

Now let's turn to the binary classification problem. If both type-2 and type-3 info is available, this is the classic supervised learning; if only type-2 or only type-3 info is available, this is the one-class classification problem. So one would wonder, whether type-1 info would help the binary classification? This is also experimented in the same paper, and interestingly, the answer is again yes.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Unsupervised Multilingual Grammar Induction

Grammar induction is the process of learning a grammar (e.g., context-free grammar) from texts. If there's no grammatical annotation of the texts available to the learner, then it's called unsupervised grammar induction. This sounds like (and actually is) a hard problem, especially for complicated grammars like those of natural languages. But every human actually goes through such a procedure in his early life, although many researchers argue that human have more than plain language input when learning the first language, e.g., perceptual context.

There's some recent work on multilingual grammar induction, that is, learning from the texts of multiple languages simultaneously, in hope that through the commonality of different languages, one can get more useful info than available from a monolingual corpus of limited size. The commonality is usually represented by the alignment of parallel corpus, i.e., the mapping of words between sentences of the same meaning but different languages. In ACL2010, however, there happen to be two papers on unsupervised multilingual grammar induction without using alignment.

The first is "Learning Common Grammar from Multilingual Corpus", which learns a probabilistic context-free grammar for each language. The assumption is, each grammar has the same set of nonterminals, and for each nonterminal, the probability distribution is different but has the same Dirichlet prior. One problem with this is the different ordering of grammatical components of different languages is not taken into account. Also there's no quantitative evaluation in the paper.

The second paper, "Phylogenetic Grammar Induction", proposes a method that is more complicated. Here a type of dependency grammar is used. The parameters of grammars of different languages are tied, not by a single common prior, but by a set of priors positioned in a phylogenetic tree. The commonality of different languages is represented by the mapping of their Part-of-Speech tags. They did a more complete evaluation, and found that a more accurate/complete phylogenetic tree resulted in better grammars.

The success of multilingual grammar induction, especially the result of the 2nd paper, has some very interesting implication. One difficulty of unsupervised grammar induction is that, it usually yields an alternative grammar different from the one we use (see error type 3 in my previous post "Errors of Unsupervised Learning"). From the results of these papers, it seems that the set of alternative grammars of each language is more or less different, but they all contains the grammar we use, so multilingual grammar induction can eliminate those alternatives while find the right one. But why? Because of the mysterious universal grammar?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Graphical model structure learning using logistic regression

It seems to me that, one of the reasons that learning graphical model structure is hard is that it has to be optimized in a discrete space. In addition, when using score based methods for structure learning (see my old post for some intro), one has to do inference over parameters separately from the search of structures, because a parameter set is specific to a structure.

One strategy that circumvents these problems is to encode the structure in parameters. That is, we assume a fully connected graph, and the parameters will indicate which edges are effective. The prior on structures can now be added into the prior over parameters. For example, L0 or L1 regularization of parameters can enforce structure sparsity.

One problem with this strategy is that, in the case of discrete variables, a fully connected graph means we have exponentially many parameters. To avoid this problem, one can use micro-models for CPT, e.g., noisy-OR, logistic regression, etc. The L1-regularized logistic regression is a well-studied problem, which can be optimized efficiently.

It turns out that similar ideas have already been studied in recent years. For example, this paper from NIPS 2006 used L1-regularized logistic regression to learn the structure of discrete Markov network. The case of learning Bayesian network structure is more difficult, because there's no intuitive way to represent edge directions in parameters while avoiding cycles. One solution is to first learn the skeleton of the Bayesian network using the above idea, and then determine the edge directions, just like in constraint based structure learning methods. Another solution is to assume the ordering of variables, which uniquely determines the edge directions. An order search can be carried out to find a good ordering. These two methods are discussed in this paper from AAAI 2007.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Mind Reading

Decoding neural activities using machine learning methods is an emerging area since a few years ago. The neural data is usually obtained by presenting the word and/or image of a concept to an experiment participant and recording his brain images (e.g., fMRI, EEG). The types of concepts tested so far are very simple (e.g., concrete nouns, and more recently adjective-noun compositions), but I believe experiments on more complex and abstract concepts are to be expected in the near future (or are already on progress!). Given the neural imaging data, one natural task is to find out the mapping between concepts and images. An intermediate layer of semantic features can be added between concepts and images, which is intuitive and also makes things more tractable. So now the problems are what the right semantic features are, and how to find out the mappings between these layers.

For the first problem, in earlier work this is somewhat manually constructed. In "Predicting Human Brain Activity Associated with the Meanings of Nouns" (Science, May 2008), the semantic features are the co-occurrence frequency of the stimulus noun with 25 manually selected verbs in a large corpus. In a more recent paper, "A Neurosemantic Theory of Concrete Noun Representation Based on the Underlying Brain Codes" (PLoS ONE, Jan 2010), these features are discovered from the fMRI data by means of factor analysis (and the result is very interesting: the three main features are related to manipulation, shelter and eating, all of which are the most important things for the survival of our primitive ancestors). With the semantic features specified, the second problem can be done by simply applying common machine learning predictors like Naive Bayes.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Errors of Unsupervised Learning

The paper "Analyzing the Errors of Unsupervised Learning" (ACL08) decomposes the errors of unsupervised learning into four types.

1. Optimization error. In most cases we cannot find the global optimum of the objective function, and we resort to methods like EM or gradient descent to obtain a local optimum. This seems to me the most recognized error.

2. Estimation error. We only have a finite training set , from which we cannot really uncover the true distribution. Obviously, this error can be reduced by increasing the size of the training set. The paper also found that, larger training set can help reduce the 1st error as well, possibly by making the objective function smoother.

3. Identi fiability error. There are hidden variables (e.g., labels) in unsupervised learning. So there could be a few different models that have the same maximal objective function value (over observables, e.g., likelihood of observables), but they may have different distance to the true distribution (over both observable and hidden variables).

4. Approximation error. This is the discrepancy between the best model that maximizes the objective function and the true model. In my opinion this can be further decomposed into two types of errors:
4.1. The model family we learn may not include the true model. For example, using hidden Markov model to fit the data sampled from a probabilistic context-free grammar.
4.2. The objective function we use may not find the best model in the model family. For example, if the objective function is the posterior given the data, then different priors would lead to different models, and the better the prior reflects the true model, the better the resulting model is.